[Request for comment] Deploy a HOP bridge on Arbitrum Nova


Our team has appreciated the continual support from the Hop community for Arbitrum One! We wanted to reach out to see if Hop would be interested in supporting Nova bridging when we launch the chain.


We would like Hop to support fast bridging between Nova and Arbitrum One.

On Nova launch, Arbitrum will maintain a bridge between Ethereum and Arbitrum Nova. Yet, we would like to direct users to Hop and others for bridging between Arbitrum One and Nova for a seamless experience independent of L1 bridging.

About Arbitrum Nova

Arbitrum Nova, a new chain powered by Arbitrum’s AnyTrust technology, is now live on mainnet. While Arbitrum One, the Arbitrum rollup chain is already up to 97% cheaper than Ethereum for many transaction types, Nova will have significantly lower transactions costs by utilizing a Data Availability Committee instead of posting all call data to Ethereum. This makes it perfect for gaming and social projects with cost-sensitive and/or high transaction volume use cases.

Our fair launch/whitelisting process has been taking place over the last couple weeks and we’ve seen some good interest and traction! The public rollout of Nova will happen in the coming weeks and the Offchain Labs team are now inviting developers to try the chain out in advance and ask any questions. For more information about AnyTrust technology please see the twitter thread below.


Nova sounds really innovative and addresses a market that full Ethereum rollups cannot at the moment. Given the Arbitrum team is behind it, I think it’s safe to say that Nova is likely to gain traction fast leading to more volume for Hop if it is integrated.

How should we think about the security of Nova when compared to Arbitrum One?


What amount of liquidity / users daily do you expect Arbitrum Nova will need in the week after launch?

Hey Luke from Arbitrum team here! :wave:

@cwhinfrey thanks for the support, we just launched Nova today and we are super excited! Here is some more info on our launch today!
It’s time for a new dawn, Nova is open to the public! | by Offchain Labs | Offchain Labs | Aug, 2022 | Medium

For more on the tradeoffs that are made between Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova, here is a helpful blogpost that we put out: Introducing AnyTrust Chains: Cheaper, Faster L2 Chains with Minimal Trust Assumptions | by Offchain Labs | Offchain Labs | Medium

The current members of the Data Availability Committee (“DAC”) are: Offchain Labs, Reddit, FTX, Consensys, Google Cloud and QuickNode. We will be looking to add more members over time to both the validator set and the DAC over time as the chain gets off the ground.

With Reddit launching their Community Points program on Arbitrum Nova we are hoping for a very strong ecosystem to form there, particularly for more cost-sensitive applications like social and gaming. Let us know if any further information would be helpful here!

@0xhoratius, we aren’t able to estimate those today, but I will say we are very excited to be partnered with Reddit! Arbitrum Nova will be home to Reddit’s community points system. Their $Moons community is already more than 160,000 addresses.


I am all for it. As I mentioned here: Proposal - Have ETH pool for every EVM-compatible chain . Every chain on debank should have a HOP bridge. Arbitrum Nova was added a few days ago. What’s even better is there is an official bridge, which is what I think should be the default bridged-token. And, according to Sushi (the one app supported by Arbitrum Nova), there is no bridged MATIC. This doesn’t mean I think Arbritrum Nova should support MATIC. In my opinion, HOP should STOP supporting MATIC.

I wrote this on Discord a few days ago:

Not sure what the connection/collaboration between Hop and Lido might be, but I hope it’s not adding to the list of assets (e.g. stETH). ETH USDC USDT MATIC and DAI is plenty. If anything, I would drop MATIC. And possibly USDC and USDT. Frankly, only ETH is the only required asset, you could drop everything but ETH. What should happen is an increase of Networks. And when bridging to any Network, you could also allow a checkbox to swap a tiny bit (like $5 worth, or the minimum to do 3 transactions, which ever is higher) for gas token on any destination chain.

When asked to elaborate I wrote:

…my concern is partly of overhead/complexity. And a lot of UI. So for UI: Right now, you pick an asset, then you pick a network. Nice. Very simple. Or you pick a network and then an asset. No matter the asset, there’s all the networks, and vice versa. But here’s what’s really tricky about most bridges and bridge aggregators. You can’t even see what networks you can choose until you pick an asset, you can’t see what assets until you pick a network. Not every chain has a bridged verison of USDC, USDT, DAI. Certainly not all of them have MATIC. You could, theoretically, have a nice big matrix chart, and frankly, that would be nice to see. But it’s still not very clean. This means you either limit your number of chains, or you have a less clean UI but informative UI (a matrix), or you have a clean UI but not informative (can’t see the assets/networks until you’ve chosen the network/asset). I like how it’s very clean and informative, but you can’t do a lot of chains. As for overhead/complexity… Sometimes the bridged asset that is best for ETH is also going to be the best for bridged USDC and USDT… But probably not always. When you get into DAI, less likely. And definitely when you get to MATIC (if even supported). How do you decide? Do you sacrifice quality for quantity? Do you pick whatever bridge happens to have MATIC and then accept their others, when their version of ETH has 1/10th the liquidity as another bridge that doesn’t have MATIC? Or do you mix-and-match bridge-asset versions? It’s complicated and a lot of overhead. While if it was just ETH, it would be much easier. I think MATIC should be dropped if nothing else. I like when a bridge also gives you (swaps for you) a little gas money too, so hop could/should do that for Polygon, but I would drop MATIC.

It’s basically, choose one: Less assets, less networks, ugly/informative UI/UX, clean/non-informative UI/UX. I would pick less assets. I can swap ETH for anything on the EVM-compatible chains. And I want to get to every EVM-compatible chain. But, sure, I’ll also take an ugly but informative UI/UX and you just keep supporting USDC/USDT/DAI (and MATIC /if absolutely necssary/) when possible and just show on the matrix where it can’t be done. But give me ETH on each.

And, by extension, you can add more assets beyond that (assuming they are optional). But you’re just going to start spreading yourself more and more thin. I think ETH every chain, then maybe, more assets. That’s why I was concerned with the Lido talk.

So, yes! Let’s add Arbitrum Nova. And, maybe, let’s drop MATIC. (And I’m saying this a full proponent of Polygon/MATIC. I would definitely still want the bridge to Polygon, and possibly with an optional gas helper transaction.)

It seems like this can definitely be put up on snapshot with very little pushback in the thread here while the conversation is going a bit stale. Any delegate with enough voting power willing to do that?


I support this proposal! I think we should focus our attention (and thus liquidity) on the most important (high profile) scaling solutions aligned with Ethereum, which are currently built by the Optimism, Arbitrum, Gnosis, ZkSync and Polygon teams.

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