Hop Governance Process v0
Authors: @Kene_StableLab and @Bobbay_StableLab
“Hop Governance Flow” is an all-in-one document for contributing to Hop DAO. This document will continuously be updated by Hop DAO contributors.
This document aims to provide an overview of the different roles, flows, and pathways for various stakeholders to participate in Hop DAO. It is a summary of resources compiled into one document.
- Governance Roles
- Delegates
- Delegators
- Contributors
- Delegate Compensation
- Rules and Values
- Code of Conduct
- Governance Processes
- Proposals
- Types of Proposals
- Proposal Timelines
- Voting
- Proposal Voting
- Quorum
Working Groups
Changes to Governance
Governance Roles
- Delegates: Delegates are community members who have received voting power from other community members or through self-delegation. Delegates are currently compensated in the Hop DAO.
- Delegators: Delegators are community members who hold Hop tokens but have entrusted their voting power to another person. The person they delegated their voting power to is considered a delegate.
- Contributors: Contributors are community members who participate in and dedicate their time to the Hop DAO. They participate by joining working groups, fulfilling bounties, and/or building on top of the Hop Protocol or for the DAO via grants while working towards completing shared goals.
Delegate Compensation and Self Reporting.
In accordance with the Hop Delegate Incentivization Trial, Hop delegates are required to self-report their lowest level of HOP delegation for the required time period to determine incentives to be paid to that particular delegate.
Minimum Delegation Threshold: To remain eligible for delegate incentives, a delegate must maintain at least 90,000 HOP voting weight.
Delegates are required to maintain 70% Participation and 70% Communication within the relevant time period to be eligible for delegation compensation within that period.
Delegates can utilize this Dune Query to find the lowest level of Hop within the time period. Delegates can also use this graph (HOP Delegate Incentives Trial 2) to determine their compensation by using their lowest Hop for the specified period.
A new self-reporting thread is posted every month. Here is an example of Jan/Feb 2023.
Rules and Values
Code of Conduct
Rules of Engagement for Discord and Discourse
Read the summary in the #faq channel before posting a question. https://help.hop.exchange/hc/en-us/sections/4405172442509-FAQ
Ask support questions in the #support channel.
Be aware of scams. Never share your private keys, seed phrases, or send crypto to others.
The team will never DM you first, ask for private keys, or request any amount of $ETH from you.
Always double check the usernames of the mods to ensure you are talking to the right people.
Report any violations in the
-support channel or DM the Admins.
Do not spam or advertise.
Do not use inappropriate language or post inappropriate content.
Do not post the same question in multiple channels.
Governance Processes
The processes described below are an overview of the official ways to participate in Hop DAO in various parts of the lifecycle as a Hop token holder or contributor.
Most governance discussions take place on the official Hop Governance Forum and the official Hop Discord Channels. It is recommended that all discussions in contemplation of a proposal start on the Hop Governance Forum.
Types of Proposals
There is currently only one kind of proposal at the Hop DAO. It is called the Hop Improvement Proposal (HIP), besides HIP there are currently no distinctions in proposal types in Hop Governance. All proposals pass through the governance process and are assigned a HIP number before being pushed to the Hop DAO Snapshot, for example; [HIP-21] Hop DAO Ambassador Program.
Proposals Timeline
Request For Comment (RFC)
The first step is to write a Request For Comment (RFC) proposal, the length of this proposal will be determined by the complexity of the proposal, and the purpose of this stage is to get as much feedback as possible.
Temp Check
After gathering feedback from the RFC proposal, then the author will make a separate proposal post that incorporates all the feedback from the RFC. This separate proposal post will be accompanied by a snapshot poll that will run for 5 days, and the Snapshot poll must achieve a quorum of 300k votes to be valid.
NB: It is important to note that with the passing of [HIP 13] - Updating Voting Frameworks for Community Governance, there are a few things to note.
- No vote nor HIP needed: The Community Multisig can execute autonomously if small values are involved/transferred (less than $5,000) and does not directly benefit any person/entity outside of the Hop DAO itself.
- Snapshot-only HIP: A simple snapshot vote (via snapshot) will be sufficient for decisions involving larger values (greater than $5,000) from the multisig or for decisions that do not impact the core Hop Protocol.
- Fully on-chain HIP: A fully on-chain vote (via tally.xyz) is only needed if executable code is attached to the vote or if changes are being made to the core Hop Protocol. HIPs that fall into the category of a fully on-chain vote would also still require Snapshot temperature checks as currently outlined in the governance process.
Proposal Discussions
Initial proposal ideas should be shared with the community on Discord or the Discourse forum to gather feedback and support.
After support is gained, a formal proposal can be posted on the forum for more visibility and feedback.
A successful proposal is eligible for a reward under the [Temperature Check] HIP 3: Hop Governance Incentives.
However, the proposal must not fall into any of the categories below:
- Proposals requesting budgets, grants, or Hop governance to engage with a vendor are excluded from this program.
- Proposals making de minimis amendments to previous proposals (e.g. fixing only typos) are excluded from this program.
- Proposals that have no direct, actionable outcome (e.g. establishing a mission statement) are excluded from this program.
For an author of a successful proposal collect rewards under this initiative, make sure to reach out to one of the current Community Multi-Sig Signers, at the time of writing this proposal, the individuals named in this post are the current Community Multi-Sig Signers.
Moving to Vote
To create a proposal in the Snapshot Space, the proposal creator must have at least 300K HOP. A proposal author can also be asked another token holder or delegate who has up to 300K Hop to help put up the proposal on behalf of the author; the author can connect to these token holders or delegates through the Hop DAO Forum or Discord.
In order for a proposal to succeed, the proposal must reach a quorum of 300k Yes votes to pass. No majority is required.
Working Groups.
The Hop DAO currently does not have formalized working group framework. However, the DAO currently retains Authereum Labs as a service provider and there is also the Hop DAO Grants Commitee and Multi-Sig Signers, which are also groups answerable to the DAO.
At this time, funding can be accessed through a governance proposal or an application to the Hop DAO Grants Committee.
Proposal History
Proposal history can only be found on Snapshot here.
Changes to Governance
Any changes to the Hop DAO Governance Process must be ratified by the community through a HIP.