Dec/Jan 2023 HIP 4 Delegate Compensation Reporting

Taking into account the HIP 4 Original Proposal and the subsequent amendment, delegates are required to self-report their lowest level of HOP delegation for the required time period to determine incentives to be paid to that particular delegate.

Delegates are required to maintain 70% Participation and 70% Communication within the relevant time period to be eligible for delegation compensation within that period.

Delegates can utilize this Dune Querry to find the lowest level of Hop within the time period.

Delegates can also use this graph to determine their compensation by using their lowest Hop for the specified period.

Delegates can go ahead and report below in this thread.

Tagging some delegates below.




@fourpoops fourpoop

We appreciate the work that @GFXlabs has done and we intend to help with the Administrative tasks that GFX Labs aided the Hop DAO with.


dybsy (edited per Olimpio’s and Sisyphos’s comments below)
dec 11 - jan 10

no tally reporting
period participation: 2/2 [HIP4-a, HIP13]

period communication: 2/2 [HIP4a] [HIP13]

cumulative Participation = 7/8 = 87.5%
cumulative Communication = 8/8 = 100%

lowest for the period: 197489.84379463576
formula incentives: 2609.40668207
penalty = (0.9 - 0.875) = 0.025 * 3 = 7.5% * 3 = 195.70550115525

incentives after penalty = 2413.70118091475

tally reporting

period participation:

period communication: 4/4 [HIP4a] [HIP13]

cumulative Participation = 9/10 = 90%
cumulative Communication = 10/10 = 100%

lowest for the period: 197489.84379463576
formula incentives: 2609.40668207

dybsy.eth - 0x9A048A7BF38306c055C05606A6010C78CFc7C1E8

:poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:
Dec/Jan 2023 (edited per Olimpio’s comments below)

Period Participation: 2/2 (HIP-4a, HIP13)
Period Communication: 2/2 (HIP-4a, HIP13)

Cumulative Participation: 8/8 = 100%
Cumulative Communication: 8/8 = 100%

Lowest for the period: 239,408.29048924914
Formula incentives: 2,901.98714942

:poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:.eth (or fourpoops.eth) - 0xDE3ba1B41e6c612a3Ca3213B84bdaf598dfFdb9b


Dec/Jan 2023

Period Participation: 2/2 (HIP-4a, HIP13)

Period Communication: 2/2 ((HIP-4a, HIP13))

Cumulative Participation: 8/8 = 100%

Cumulative Communication: 8/8 = 100%

Lowest for the period: 92,500

Formula incentives: 1448.2457

StableNode Address: 0x9c489E4efba90A67299C1097a8628e233C33BB7B


December 2022 & January 2023

Period Participation: 4/4 (Snapshot, Snapshot, Snapshot, Snapshot)

Period Communication: 3/3 (Francom Delegate Communication Thread - #3 by francom)

Cumulative Participation: 10/10 = 100%

Cumulative Communication: 10/10 = 100%

Lowest for Period: 137,153.2537 HOP

Incentives: 2,055.2214




I think there’s a mismatch on the Snapshot votes considered here in the context of Snapshot votes considered in other compensation periods. Could someone please double check this? Below:

First compensation period considered Snapshot votes from 10 Oct to 10 November.

Second compensation period considered Snapshot votes from 11 November to 10 December.

Third compensation period (this one) considers Snapshot votes from 11 December to 10 January.

Fourth compensation period (the following period) considers Snapshot votes from 11 January to 10 February.

In most cases, this situation will not affect cumulative participation, as long as the delegate has voted in all of them, but I wanted to ask for help and clarification so that we do not potentially carry forward any date inconsistency.

Tagging delegates that have already commented: @dybsy @fourpoops @Kene_StableLab @francom and @shanefontaine

Thank you

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I had the same questions, and posted in #governance. I think your breakdown is correct, and only HIP-4a and HIP-13 should fall within December 11 - January 10, with HIP 14-17+ falls within the following. I will edit my post accordingly.

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Thank you for this clarification @olimpio

Thanks @dybsy and @Kene_StableLab for your help.

olimpio.eth - edited to include Tally considerations

11 December 2022 to 10 January 2023 (No Tally)

Period participation: 2/2 - (HIP-4 Amendment, HIP-13) - 100%
Period communication: 2/2 - (HIP-4 Amendment, HIP-13) - 100%

Cumulative participation: 7/8 (87.5%) / I missed HIP-8 Snapshot vote

Lowest for the period: 3427051.6142898477
Formula incentives: 6947.22225862
Penalty (more than 70% but less than 90%): 521.041669397
Final formula incentives: 6426.18058922

0xF4B0556B9B6F53E00A1FDD2b0478Ce841991D8fA - olimpio.eth

11 December 2022 to 10 January 2023 (With Tally)

Period participation Snapshot: 2/2 - (HIP-4 Amendment, HIP-13) - 100%
Period participation Tally: 2/2 - (HIP-9, HIP-12) 100%
Period communication: 2/2 - (HIP-4 Amendment, HIP-13) - 100%

Cumulative participation: 9/10 (90%) / I missed HIP-8 Snapshot vote
Cumulative communication: 7/8 (87.5%)

Lowest for the period: 3427051.6142898477
Formula incentives: 6947.22225862
Penalty (more than 70% but less than 90%): 521.041669397
Final formula incentives: 6426.18058922

0xF4B0556B9B6F53E00A1FDD2b0478Ce841991D8fA - olimpio.eth

i think we need to establish some firm guidelines about how long these self-report threads stay open for, because it currently seems a little ambiguous about when they close.

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Hi all!
It feels there is room to converge on how on-chain votes in Tally are reported or counted towards participation and communication thresholds.
I was taking them into account in my last report, as I think most of us did. However, they may be missing in Dec/Jan reporting.
It is my opinion that Tally proposals should be in scope since compensation is aligned with governance participation, and on-chain vote is an additional governance exercise to that of snapshot (and finally what gets executed on-chain).

In any case, I will report it both ways, as I don’t want to slow things down. I will edit and remove the one not required after consensus is reached.

11th Dec 22 to 10th Jan 23

Without Tally
Period Participation: 2/2 (HIP-4 amendment , HIP-13) - 100%
Period Communication: 2/2 (HIP-4 amendment, HIP-13) - 100%

Cumulative Participation = 6/8 = 75%
Cumulative Communication = 6/8 = 75%

Penalty: (90%-75%)*3 = 45%
Lowest for the period: 158,713.23
Formula incentives: 2,277.14 * (100% - 45%) = 1,252.427

With Tally:
Period Participation: 4/4 (HIP-4 amendment Snapshot , HIP-13 Snapshot, HIP-9 Tally, HIP-12 Tally) - 100%
Period Communication: 4/4 (HIP-4 amendment, HIP-13) - 100%

Cumulative Participation = 8/10 = 80%
Cumulative Communication = 8/10 = 80%
(For visibility, missed HIP8 snapshot vote, and HIP10 on-chain vote).

Penalty: (90%-80%)*3 = 30%
Lowest for the period: 158,713.23
Formula incentives: 2,277.14 * (100% - 30%) = 1,593.99

0x8C5f9c67028fAaE0Db258D44507BdfBD7A9de223 - mrsisyphos.eth

[Edit 1] Forgot to include the different penalties.

Thanks for all the submissions. The distribution has been made here. The verification spreadsheet has been updated here.

For this distribution, the Tally votes were included in scope. Any further discussion or resolution around that specific issue should be considered for future distribution.


Oof we totally missed this.

Just to clarify, we voted on every HIP but failed to fill out the Delegate compensation reporting requirement here.