[RFC] Treasury Diversification & Protocol Owned Liquidity (multichain HOP/ETH LPs)

Hello, just to be sure that I understand your concerns, you’re basically stating that right now it is too cheap to create a governance attack that can lead to Hop DAO’s treasury being drained?

Based on your figures on HOP liquidity, and the current HOP market price, this makes sense.

The obvious and simplest (although, not claiming this would be the best) solution would be to (as you’ve suggested) increase the voting period and/or required HOP for submitting on-chain proposals. In otherwards, amending DAO governance params.

Incentivizing governance participation seems a bit unsustainable in the long run (and is basically already implemented).

Adding a security council also adds human error, so if this route is chosen then careful implementation is probably required and maintenance could be costly.

Perhaps further research on the matter is required. This is an important point to bring up, thanks @Sinkas.

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