[RFC] Pairwise: Tinder UX for web3 community signaling

General Magic based on some big brain algorithm research out of Colony in 2018 plans to develop Pairwise, a web3 voting platform with a user-friendly interface like Tinder. Our open-source project is compatible with all EVM chains and can be used for budgeting, governance, and community signaling. We need support to bring Pairwise to life and benefit the entire web3 ecosystem. Check out our demo on YouTube: Pairwise voting - YouTube

Pairwise has the potential to greatly benefit the Hop protocol community by bringing a new level of user-friendliness and engagement to voting and decision-making processes. With its compatibility with all EVM chains and open-source nature, Pairwise has limitless possibilities for improving governance and community signaling within Hop. Supporting our project will help drive innovation and growth within the web3 ecosystem, including the Hop protocol community.

I’d love some community signaling if the Hop community is interested in some kind of partnership/grant to bring pairwise to life.

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I might be misunderstanding this, but is this meant to replace Snapshot? I watched the demo and the two problems I found were 1) I can’t think of many votes that were conducive to this format and 2) I think the UX gamifies the governance process to the detriment of thoughtfulness in decision-making. Seems like a really interesting idea otherwise and would love to continue following your progress though!

Thank you for your thoughtful questions and comments. To clarify, Pairwise is not meant to replace Snapshot, but rather to provide an additional tool for communities to use in their decision-making processes. While Snapshot is a great tool for voting on proposals, Pairwise is designed to help communities gather more nuanced information about the preferences of their members. We would be thrilled if snapshot integrate pairwise!

Regarding your concerns about the gamification of the governance process, the goal of Pairwise is to make it easier for communities to signal their preferences based on algorithms, which can lead to more efficient and effective decision-making processes. The math behind the algorithms used by Pairwise is well-researched and can be found in the Colony’s Budgeting Boxes paper, which I highly recommend checking out.

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Sounds super interesting – thanks for clarifying!

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