October 2023 - March 2024 HIP 4 Delegate Compensation Reporting

Hey Hop DAO,

Since [HIP-46] Renewal of Hop Delegate Incentivization Trial (Third Cycle) passed, it’s time to create a new Delegate Compensation Reporting Thread for this period (October 11, 2023 – March 27, 2024). The last delegate compensation reporting period ended October 10, 2023, therefore anything from then up until March 27,2024 falls within this reporting period.

To make matters easier for delegates who are eligible for incentives, the Head of DAO Operations will verify the voting and communication requirements for each delegate but each delegate is expected to share in this thread their voting and communication ratio, their lowest HOP delegated during the period, and finally their incentive rewards amount for the period based on the calculation. Please use the calculation from the recent snapshot vote to renew the delegate incentivization program. Please share your communication publicly in each proposal’s governance forum thread or create your own voting and communication thread for the Head of DAO Operations to verify. Please include your Ethereum address as well.

Delegates can utilize this Dune Querry 12 5 to find the lowest level of Hop within the time period.

Delegates can also use this graph 9 5 to determine their compensation by using their lowest Hop for the specified period.

Delegates can go ahead and report below in this thread.

Below are the snapshot votes and Tally votes since the last reporting period.

Snapshot Votes Since Last Delegate Reporting Thread

  • [Temperature Check] Treasury Diversification & Protocol Owned Liquidity (multichain HOP/ETH LPs)
  • [HIP-41] Incentivize Hop AMMs on Supported and Upcoming Chains
  • Hop Community Moderator Compensation
  • [HIP-43] Proposal to create Head of DAO Operations
  • [HIP-44] Treasury Diversification for Ongoing DAO Expenses
  • [HIP-45] Head of DAO Operations Election
  • [HIP-46] Renewal of Hop Delegate Incentivization Trial (Third Cycle)

Tally Votes Since Last Delegate Reporting Thread (August, September, October)

  • [HIP-39] Community Multisig Refill (4) on Feb 5th, 2024 was defeated
  • [HIP-40] Treasury Diversification & Protocol Owned Liquidity on Feb 5th 2024 passed
  • [HIP-39] Community Multisig Refill (5) on Feb 15th, 2024 passed
  • [HIP-44] Treasury Diversification for Ongoing DAO Expenses on Mar 4th 2024 passed

For example;
Voting: 11/11
Communication: 9/9 (HIP 40 & HIP 44 had to be voted on in snapshot and tally but you only have to communicate rationale once for each of these proposals).

lowest Hop during period: x
incentive rewards during this period: x

Are we supposed to take the lowest of the full 6 month period now, or on a monthly basis? Only asking because in the past we did it in monthly calculations and I went from 100,078 to 164,078 on Nov 17th… It would make a big difference for me and I’d imagine others.

bobrossi.eth (0xb29A655f3D67B2B6724Fb22B2C2303cB660c946B)

Voting: 11/11
Communication: 8/9
Lowest Hop during period: 100,078

Incentive Reward: 28,371

Gas Rebate:
HIP-39 Multisig Refill 4: Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan — $5.86
HIP-40 Treasury Diversification and Protocol Owned Liquidity: Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan — $6.11
HIP-30 Multisig Refill 5: Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan — $10.14
HIP-44 Treasury Diversification for Ongoing DAO Expenses: Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan — $17.59

Total Gas Rebate: $39.70 (I’m not sure what HOP rate your using, so left as $USD)

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In previous cycles of delegate incentives the calculation was for the full period on a single instance to simplify the process with delegate reporting.

Are those USD gas values from the time of of the transaction or now?

I’ve put together a script that can extract and decode the on-chain Tally transactions, though I haven’t solved for determining the ETH value in some other historical denomination.

Example output:

txId: 0xf25a461243ad8fcca645cad9af3f104dbc81ea500afe873380010b445cb71102
gas: 0.001858735277423414 ETH
date: 2024-02-10 15:59:35 -0800 PST
ProposalId: 58755660485926286000919392683741755457975975545732074086390752903100177701755
reason: I’m voting for this experimental POL. I believe this will be a net positive for HOP through:
- diversifying the treasure
- benefiting from fees
- increasing liquidity for a more stable price discovery
supported: 1 

I just took the transaction fee on Etherscan in $ but am open to however this wants to be reported. Clicking again, I see where the amount changed from when I posted initially so I have to assume it’s taking todays price… I thought maybe that was the price at time of transaction but looks like I was mistaken.

To help make it easier for some of the most active delegates I have calculated the expected rewards during this reporting period. This table could include errors so please double check my calculations. Please share your voting and communication ratio for me to double check so that this payment period can be finalized and have payments disbursed. @thegreg.eth @lefterisjp @fourpoops @dybsy @olimpio @mastermojo

To be clear, the number in bold is the final reward amount which includes a 2.5x multiple and is also multiplied by 6 since this pay/reporting period is for a 6-month period.

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Additionally, for the delegate on-chain voting gas reimbursement please share the total amount of ETH spent during the reporting period. The reimbursement calculation will be based on the greater of the two; the price of ETH at the time of payout or at the conclusion of the period.

For example, if you spent 0.12 ETH during this period you will be reimbursed based on the greater of the price of ETH at the time of payout or at the conclusion of the period and the HOP token conversion price will be based on a TWAP for HOP during that period.

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Thank you francom. All of this is searchable in forums/twitter for communication and for voting either onchain or snapshot.

I think I voted on all proposals I saw and tweeted about it. Both on and off-chain.

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Thank you @francom for putting this together.

These are my last (1, 2, 3, 4) votes in Tally:

0.007182907406331856+0.002956630533898348+0.002650216900878864+0.002830861083268872 =

0.01562062 ETH spent

My tally votes are as follows:

~ mytallyvotes ... 0xbE5C59873f34580c0a28dAbD8396482d72F5F330 1693526400 171280914

txId: 0xd81fb35df06af5ddc91039f8089a76f948ecf5a5701f1406e1a847d792028e09
gas: 0.00044754978765335204 ETH
date: 2023-10-09 16:24:47 -0700 PDT
proposalId: 9784707434912981798745451387039890995483352876768683443315035555006717324695
reason: I am voting For treasury diversification of Hop DAO to cater to cash outlays, de-risk market movements, and promote sustainability.
supported: 1 

txId: 0xd326a9bee7fa9347a680032f766931e2d4468554d3102763e76b61cfc4f4da89
gas: 0.00047146999580409 ETH
date: 2023-10-09 16:29:35 -0700 PDT
proposalId: 87035485339493254592650315476613776772005577279798927378154125801446269848532
reason: Procedural formality
supported: 1 

txId: 0xa7c4f43a9434fd43c0653c59e0005837112849fbc71cd3bff5efdedadfa2c467
gas: 0.002076908291792304 ETH
date: 2024-02-10 15:56:59 -0800 PST
proposalId: 53990378812148799150404666859566052864134764447292082012358312575692663425040
reason: standard reoccurring multisig refill
supported: 1 

txId: 0xf25a461243ad8fcca645cad9af3f104dbc81ea500afe873380010b445cb71102
gas: 0.001858735277423414 ETH
date: 2024-02-10 15:59:35 -0800 PST
proposalId: 58755660485926286000919392683741755457975975545732074086390752903100177701755
reason: I’m voting for this experimental POL. I believe this will be a net positive for HOP through:
- diversifying the treasure
- benefiting from fees
- increasing liquidity for a more stable price discovery
supported: 1 

txId: 0xd531a142e818788ef78e6aef508d18a1ac7914fd9e98237c69928b94967b967f
gas: 0.00158336677766036 ETH
date: 2024-02-15 20:14:59 -0800 PST
proposalId: 100969999281593667256940973842942833194586799619428402879708708448088810673989
reason: standard reoccurring multisig refill
supported: 1 

txId: 0xc7ef300bb7ddb61be8916cd20ea996699473d571aa10b97321826ab6f89c58d6
gas: 0.004505757779215597 ETH
date: 2024-03-07 21:22:35 -0800 PST
proposalId: 111737923756748300705603857254159695288256292303121317158883026653434433048797
reason: I am voting For treasury diversification of Hop DAO to cater to cash outlays, de-risk market movements, and promote sustainability.
supported: 1 

The total ETH was 0.01094378791
This utility for the above is here if anyone wants to use it: GitHub - MnrGreg/mytallyvotes

Most of the top delegates are eligible for payment based on the participation metrics I’ve seen except;

Please see the table below to see if you fulfilled the voting and communication requirements for compensation. Do not rely solely on these tables. Please calculate your own rewards and double check your voting and communication metrics.

The following should communicate their votes asap to raise their communication metric and get the full compensation for this cycle; @thegreg.eth @fourpoops @Bob-Rossi

@Sinkas (L2Beat) please share your wallet address to include you in the table with the delegate reward calculations.

The following delegates deserve an honorable mention for voting and communicating in certain cases but they need to raise their participation metrics to qualify for compensation going forward: alphainsiders, she256.eth, hop.mariaa.eth, sisyhpos, takeabreath, mihal.eth

If I made any mistakes, please let me know.

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Thanks for the tag @francom, please use the following address for L2BEAT’s delegate rewards


Let me know what I need to do in order to get the rewards.

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@francom thanks for pulling these together. I’ve been communicating my votes publicly through X (see below).

The thought is that social media should reach a wider audience, as most community members aren’t in the forum or discord every day. I also find its quicker and more timely to post directly to X using the links provided by Tally and Snapshot after voting. I can see how this could make automating the collation of communications more challenging though. I’m happy to change where we communicate if need be. Are we still looking to automate these reviews?

On a side note, should we register a Farcaster account that we can tag/follow for community updates?

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Thank you for putting that chart together. I’ve commented on the one vote I missed - [RFC] Head of DAO Governance and Operations Role - #20 by Bob-Rossi

I’ve also summed my ETH values of the votes linked above.

  • HIP-39 Refill 4: 0.001724
  • HIP-40 Treasury Diversification: 0.001796
  • HIP-30 Multisig Refill 5: 0.002984
  • HIP-44 Treasury Diversification 2: 0.005174

Total = 0.011678

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Thanks @francom, I’ve updated all of my communication requirements so should be up to 100%

ETH Cast Votes Reimbursement = 0.01302432575

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The table below shows the updated delegate rewards (taking into account updated communication). Please double check the calculations and do not solely rely on my numbers. There could be errors in my calculations.

These delegate rewards will be available once the 6-month vesting period ends.

I spent .028281038 ETH as a Hop delegate voting on on-chain proposals in Tally during this reporting period.


Any delegate that still hasn’t shared their ETH spent during this reporting period, please share your gas fees before the next payment cycle. There is a week left to report your delegate gas reimbursement. @Sinkas @lefterisjp

Hey so here is mine. Taken from tally.

0.004284888457865472 for Tally | Hop Proposal
0.00162243708515136 for Tally | Hop Proposal
0.00194184234093483 for Tally | Hop Proposal
0.002549480643945004 for Tally | Hop Proposal

Total: 0.004284888457865472 + 0.00162243708515136 + 0.00194184234093483 + 0.002549480643945004 = 0.0103986485279 ETH

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The ETH spent on gas by L2BEAT to vote in the last 4 votes (HIP 44, HIP 30, HIP 40, HIP 39) was a total of 0,03106316805 ETH.

@francom Can you clarify if that amount is to be paid alongside the delegate rewards?