March/April 2023 HIP 4 Delegate Compensation Reporting

Taking into account the HIP 4 Original Proposal and the subsequent amendment , delegates are required to self-report their lowest level of HOP delegation for the required time period to determine incentives to be paid to that particular delegate.

Delegates are required to maintain 70% Participation and 70% Communication within the relevant time period to be eligible for delegation compensation within that period.

Delegates can utilize this Dune Querry to find the lowest level of Hop within the time period.

Delegates can also use this graph to determine their compensation by using their lowest Hop for the specified period.

Delegates can go ahead and report below in this thread.

Note: There is currently an ongoing conversation regarding the future of the delegate framework, any changes adopted by the DAO would subsequently bind this process.

Would it make sense to finalize the ongoing discussion before beginning this?

This was my initial thought, but it would cause multiple delays in compensation; this way, there is no existing backlog of payments, and the timelines for monthly reporting are not confused.

It would make sense for qualifying delegates to be compensated for previous work while the future of the delegate program is decided.

If the program expired in March, how do delegates have the ability to invoice the DAO for something that doesnā€™t exist? Given that we also expect who qualifies and the amount owed to each delegate to change, I donā€™t think it would be appropriate to do this without renewing the program with a vote first.

I also believe we should wait until we vote on the Renewal of the Hop Delegate Incentivization Trial before moving forward here.

We can always implement the Delegate Incentivization from 11 March onwards, effectively not breaking with the continuos timeline that we have been following; but in reality I donā€™t think we ought to report participation and calculate HOP since the formulae were not decided and voted on yet.

We can easily circle back to this very same thread once the Snapshot vote for the extension finalizes, if it were to pass.


Yes, I see the reason for your point; we should pause this for now.

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I agree, letā€™s pause this for now.