Hop DAO Mult-Sig Nominations

Hey folks, as a tech professional with a focus on blockchain, and a long-time Hop user and liquidity provider, I believe I have the necessary skills and commitment to serve in this role.

My track record shows consistent participation in Hop governance and a dedication to the long-term success of Hop. As a multisig signer, I will ensure timely transaction execution, transparency, and strive for actions that bring value to our community.

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Iā€™m happy to express my interest in the multi-sig signer role, a position that I think aligns with my values, skills, and contributions to our community.

As an Ethereum minimalist, L2 early adopter, and long-standing Hop community member, Iā€™ve developed a deep understanding of the multi-chain ecosystem and various protocol designs. Iā€™ve demonstrated my reliability in previous roles with efficient coordination and decision-making, cutting through bureaucratic slowness and ensuring timely execution (imo).

Iā€™ve been actively involved in Hopā€™s governance, pushing forward stale RFCs and creating new ones, always ensuring we continue to innovate and improve efficiency. As a multi-sig signer, Iā€™ll bring this proactive approach to swiftly and accurately act on multi-sig operations.

Guided by the principle of prioritizing long-term growth and value creation, Iā€™m eager to contribute even more significantly to our collective success. I look forward to the possibility of serving the community in the role.



As an active delegate, I am expressing my interest in becoming a Hop Multi-Sig signer.

My commitment to Hop has existed from its genesis, being the delegate with the most voting power at the start and first subsequent several months. I have also actively been involved in governance, weighing proposals and posting and voting them in Snapshot and Tally.

My availability and readiness to sign petitions and attend to matters related to Multi Sig responsibilities is also high, something I believe is of importance in this circumstance.

Thanks for your consideration!

For discussion:

I am inclined to support the role of Lead Signer, where someone has further responsibilities and also further compensation than the rest. This is not something I would nominate myself for; but I believe that it would probably be better for general accountability and fast action.

It is my understanding that we have already discussed this elsewhere in the forums and Hop community calls. Given that we already had a Lead Signer in the past (dybsy), the new dynamic proposed on this forum thread could be useful to see what works better in the context of the Hop community. We can keep it in mind and revisit the need for this position when the period expires and elections are in order again, if needed.

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Difficult elections as there is many good candidates.

I voted for @max-andrew, @fourpoops and @olimpio as they are the people I have personally interacted with a bit in Hop governance and seem to be capable of getting things done.

Voted 70% for max, and 15/15 for the rest only due to max being, at the time of my vote the lowest voted for candidate.

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Hey Hop DAO, I just want to provide an update regarding the multisig signers. The election ended on June 26, 2023 therefore the initial 6-month period expired on December 26, 2023 meaning that the multisig signers have earned their first portion of compensation ($2,250 in HOP per signer and there are 5 signers). The multisig signers are to provide the DAO with a spreadsheet on gas costs incurred related to fulfilling their roles as multisig signers in order to receive a gas rebate from Hop DAO.

The second portion of the compensation will be earned around June 26, 2024 and at this time a new election will be held for the next cohort of multisig signers.


Hi Hop DAO,

This cohort of multisig signers has been working together for over a year now and I believe the first term officially ended on June 26, 2024. Therefore, this cohort has officially earned their payment for the period between December 26, 2023 - June 26, 2024.

While this cohort has efficiently worked together, it is important for the DAO to decide on whether to keep the current multisig signer cohort or replace some or all members. I would suggest for a new election to take place with the existing members that are interested in continuing to fulfill this role while giving an opportunity for new faces if the DAO would like to make any changes. While I believe that if something isnā€™t broken donā€™t fix it, it is important to respect the DAOā€™s framework and decision making abilities. Please share any thoughts and I will bring this up in the next community call to gauge community sentiment.

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It seems like there wasnā€™t a specific timeline for the multisig cohort mentioned in the original proposal. If everything is working as it should and transactions are signed in a timely manner, is there a reason to hold elections and renew the signers?

Iā€™ve thoroughly enjoyed my role on the multisig and would vouch for all other current signers as wellā€“it has always been a smooth process working with everyone. So, I would suggest we do vote in all of the current signers again, but I do believe we should do the vote nonetheless and take nominations for anyone else who is interested too.

Although Iā€™m generally not in favor of unnecessary process for processes sake, I think the process of regularly having to re-elect multisig signers is actually necessary to prevent things from going stale and to reinforce that anyone else can nominate themselves for a new election cycle to provide competition to current multisig signers.

Agreed on this, we should do a re-vote after allowing new entrants to nominate themselves should someone want to. If no one does, the vote should be a ratification.


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Hello Hop Community,

I would like to nominate myself to become a multi-sig singer for the DAO. As a member of the HOP grants committee, I am already involved in DAO operations as related to funding allocation and distribution. Additionally, I have managed multi-sigs for numerous projects and organizations previously. I am widely available and responsive so I will be able to approve and discuss any needed transactions promptly.

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I am withdrawing my application, thanks to the Hop team and the other Multi-Sig signers.

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Iā€™ll throw my hat in the ring for the multi-sig as well. However, please note that Iā€™m applying as an individual and NOT as a member or a representative of L2BEAT.

Since thereā€™s no application format, Iā€™ll copy my application from Arbitrumā€™s MSS in which I was elected as one of the 12 signers.

Personal Information:

Full Name:
Anastassis Oikonomopoulos aka Sinkas

Applying as organization:

Contact Information (if applying as organization, please designate one point person):
t.me/Sinkas5 and [email protected]

Country of Residence / Time Zone:
Greece (UTC +3)

Professional Background:

Current Occupation:

Governance Representative at L2BEAT (though Iā€™m applying to Hopā€™s Community Multisig as an individual)

Relevant Work/Educational Experience (Please list any relevant experience in governance, DAOs, and multi-sig operations):

  1. Iā€™ve been a contributor of MetaFactory DAO since early 2020, and a signer of its multisig since it was established in late 2020. At the peak of the 2021 bull market, the multisig das Ā±30,000,000 in AUM. Right now, it secures Ā±300,000.
  2. Since joining L2BEAT in July 2023, Iā€™ve been working on governance full-time, participating on the day-to-day matters in various DAOs, including Hop. Since January 2024, Iā€™ve also been publishing a weekly ā€˜Governance Reviewā€™ covering governance related news.
  3. I have actively been participating in Hopā€™s community calls throughout the past few months, and have remained up-to-date with all initiatives in the DAO.

Technical Skills:

List any technical skills that are relevant to multi-sig operation:

  1. While not a developer or a very technical person, I understand how multi-sig wallets operate, how to read transactions, and how to use the transaction builder if needed.
  2. A testament to my soft technical skills is the fact that my main wallet (sinkas.eth) has never been compromised despite using it regularly for the past 5.5 years.

Experience with EVM that makes you well suited for this program (SAFE, Using a module, etc):

  1. I am familiar and comfortable with using SAFE, and I have used on-chain spending management tools for teams (e.g. Parcel) in the past.
  2. I know and feel familiar with executing all the basic actions that the multisig could be required to execute, such as bridging to a different chain, providing liquidity, executing swaps, etc.

Conflict of Interest Declaration:

Have you been involved in any projects or proposals funded by the DAO? If yes, please specify.

I have not been involved in any project or proposal that has been funded by the DAO, and through which I have benefited financially as an individual contributor.

Do you have any interests that might be seen as a conflict of interest if you are selected as a multi-sig signer?

I do not currently have any personal conflict of interest if selected as a multi-sig signer (disclaimer: I am part of L2BEATā€™s governance team, which is eligible for and receiving delegate compensationā€”that compensation, however, does not go to me personally). In the unlikely event that a COI arises in the future, I will disclose it and recuse myself from relevant activites.

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The vote is live on Snapshot so please vote for the next group of Hop DAO multisig signers.

Iā€™ve voted for @Sinkas as the new multisig signer based on the information provided in the thread.

Of course no hard feelings @chaseonchain and Iā€™m very excited to see what you do on the Grant Committee as well.

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I voted for the incumbents and for @Sinkas who has been actively reviewing DAO governance and validating that decisions have been executed correctly.

The following reflects the views of L2BEATā€™s governance team, composed of @kaereste and @Sinkas, and itā€™s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

Disclaimer: Sinkas has applied to be a signer for the multisig as an individual and not as a member or a representative of L2BEAT.

With that in mind, weā€™ve decided to spread our vote equally between all previous members of the multisig (francom.eth, Rxpwnz, theGreg.eth, fourpoops) and Sinkas.

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Voted for the incumbents + @Sinkas, based on active work within this DAO. Rationale being that the persons voted for have been active members of this and other DAOs which have supported Hop in the past.


Posting my voting rationale now as I missed this at the time of the vote:

I voted for the 4 incumbents to remain. All 4 proved to be reliable and I am unaware with any issues from any of them.

For the 5th spot, I voted for Sinkas based on information in the thread and historical context.

Iā€™ll note that the decision to not vote for Chase is simply a numbers issue (5 spots, 6 people). I would trust them in the role otherwise and if someone where to step-down would support them in taking the spot.


I have voted for francom.eth, Rxpwnz, theGreg.eth, fourpoops, Sinkas. Having worked with all of them directly or indirectly (the first 4 via the last cohort of the multi sig, which I was a part of, and L2Beat in governance in other DAOs), I think they will do a great job on the Hop MSS. I want to highlight Rxpwnzā€™s participation in all operations, he was the fastest to sign, helped a lot on verification of transactions, and proactively submitted codes in the safe UI. Cheers!


While Olimpio will be missed, I voted for the same members of the previous cohort with the new addition of Sinkas who has been an amazing contributor to the DAO. He has added a lot of value to the DAO with his ongoing input about the multisig and grants program.

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