Proposing changes to how proposals on hop forum are structured
To make proposals easy and clear to understand / go through for delegates and people both from inside & outside the HOP ecosystem. This should help to bring down voter apathy and save time of anyone going through the proposals.
Clear uniform structure and nomenclature help people not to get lost in the forum and navigate through proposals more easily. Drawing here on the lessons learned / processes of Ethereum community and their EIP process.
Changes proposed
- Hop Ecosystem category
- Change category name
- “Hop Ecosystem” → “HIP - Hop Improvement proposals” (or something in this spirit, including word “proposal” )
- rationale
- The category name is vague, does not communicate clearly that it is for Proposals’ discussion
- rationale
- “Hop Ecosystem” → “HIP - Hop Improvement proposals” (or something in this spirit, including word “proposal” )
- Give clear structure + naming to proposals
Proposal Naming - < HIP number>, <Category(Core, Integrations, Funding, Governance)>, <title(describe proposal in few words)>,
- e.g. - HIP 1, Governance, Establish uniform Proposal structure
Proposal Structure - Follow ethereum EIP sturcture, omit unnecessary fields if do not apply to proposal link
Create pinned post in Hop Ecosystem category, giving Proposal template + guidelines for creating proposal
- Meta-Governance category
- Create a new pinned posted with titie / subtitle “Delegates / Voters Guideline”
- Rationale: To have one go to place / document for delegates from where they can start
- The content of this post are outlined below(Checklist for delegates), and are subject to change, in order be be always clear, short and relevant.
- Create a new pinned posted with titie / subtitle “Delegates / Voters Guideline”
- Change category name
Checklist for delegates
check overview of governance process
track proposals’ discussion
Go to hop forum preferences link and select as Watched / Tracked categories -“Hop Ecosystem”, “Events”
vote / track voting
snapshot - coming soon
tally - link
Feedback needed
Please let me know what you think of these proposed changes to the Proposal process / forum, which points make sense and elaborate on different points here, if the temperature check after a discussion is to go through in this spirit I can drive this change / create the HIP template post.