Thanks @dybsy and @Kene_StableLab for your help.
olimpio.eth - edited to include Tally considerations
11 December 2022 to 10 January 2023 (No Tally)
Period participation: 2/2 - (HIP-4 Amendment, HIP-13) - 100%
Period communication: 2/2 - (HIP-4 Amendment, HIP-13) - 100%
Cumulative participation: 7/8 (87.5%) / I missed HIP-8 Snapshot vote
Lowest for the period: 3427051.6142898477
Formula incentives: 6947.22225862
Penalty (more than 70% but less than 90%): 521.041669397
Final formula incentives: 6426.18058922
0xF4B0556B9B6F53E00A1FDD2b0478Ce841991D8fA - olimpio.eth
11 December 2022 to 10 January 2023 (With Tally)
Period participation Snapshot: 2/2 - (HIP-4 Amendment, HIP-13) - 100%
Period participation Tally: 2/2 - (HIP-9, HIP-12) 100%
Period communication: 2/2 - (HIP-4 Amendment, HIP-13) - 100%
Cumulative participation: 9/10 (90%) / I missed HIP-8 Snapshot vote
Cumulative communication: 7/8 (87.5%)
Lowest for the period: 3427051.6142898477
Formula incentives: 6947.22225862
Penalty (more than 70% but less than 90%): 521.041669397
Final formula incentives: 6426.18058922
0xF4B0556B9B6F53E00A1FDD2b0478Ce841991D8fA - olimpio.eth