Meeting Minutes [Sept-4]
Hop DAO Multisig Nominations:
- Nominees mentioned: ChaseOnChain and Sinkas.
- Olympio will no longer be part of the multisig.
- Snapshot vote for the new nominee will be set up soon, likely a straightforward process.
ARB LTIPP Program Wrap-up:
- Discussion on the conclusion of the ARB LTIPP Program.
- 85% of the granted 500,000 ARB tokens were utilized, largely for AMM and onboarding fees.
- Return of unused funds and potential retroactive compensation for contributions, particularly for key contributors like BobRossi and Shogun.
Grants Committee RFP List Updates:
- Updates from ChaseOnChain and RXPWNS on the final stages of the RFP list.
- Discussion on publicizing the RFP list through various channels to increase engagement.
- Coordination needed with Shane and Chris for access to official communication channels.
Delegate Incentive Program and Head of DAO Operations:
- Incentive program rewards are set to be distributed soon, after a six-month lock.
- Franco’s term as head of DAO operations ended on August 28th; discussions on self-renominating and inviting others to apply.
Developer Update:
- Shane detailed progress on deploying core functionality and continued testing.
- Chris added thoughts on the simplification of deployments and additional periphery items being developed.