Collaberation Request with Contrax Finance

Hello Hop DAO community,

This is Soheeb with Contrax, and Iā€™m also a casual Hop DAO member (Iā€™ve ā€œhoppedā€ on a few calls before :blush:). Contrax is a new DeFi yield aggregator focused on making access to DeFi yield earning as easy as using a fintech app. We use account abstraction, gas coverage, routing into all strategies with USDC or ETH, and auto-compounding to enhance this experience.

We are currently on Arbitrum and have received the LTIPP grant. We integrated a few Hop vaults before we were even live, and today, almost 3/4 of our $400k in TVL comes from Hop vaults, with the most popular being the Hop hETH vault:

The vault can achieve such a high APY because it is on top of your current vault, which already has LTIPP rewards, with further rewards distributed by us.

Given that we are LTIPP partners and have already done the integration while bringing liquidity to your vaults, we would love to collaborate further. The exact ways to collaborate are open to discussion. At a high level, the goal would be to increase exposure of both protocols to the communities of the other and find ways to work together as we build out the product.

Looking forward to hearing from the community!