RFC-XX: Hop Grants Committee Renewal and Redesign

The below response reflects the views of L2BEATā€™s governance team, composed of @kaereste and @Sinkas, and itā€™s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

After participating in the Grants Committee Workshop call, as well as the Hop Community Call on 17.4.2024, we wanted to take a minute and summarise our thoughts and share them with the community.

@francomā€™s comment above perfectly outlines the problems that were discussed and identified, and we want to expand on them as well as provide our perspective on an actionable plan forward.

  1. Scope

One of the most important things to do is defining the scope of the grants the DAO wants to give out. A good step towards that is existing stakeholders identifying problems and crafting RFPs (requests for proposals) for potential grantees to apply to. We would suggest hosting a separate DAO-wide call, including people from the Foundation, to workshop this.

  1. Committee Compensation

For any grants committee to have a meaningful impact, it needs active and heavily involved members. We find the proposed compensation of $500/mo to be very low to achieve the goal of incentivising committee members to do meaningful work. Grant programs have a lot of overhead, including creating a rubric, building and maintaining a pipeline, processing applications, overseeing the execution of grants, following up with grantees, and providing support. Weā€™d suggest significantly increasing the compensation to account for all the work that needs to be done.

Having said that, we recognize that Hop Grants program might have less traffic to justify as much overhead and therefore as much spending. To that end, weā€™d suggest 1) reducing the number of committee members from 5 to 3, and 2) somehow associating the compensation with the committeeā€™s workload on a month-by-month basis.

  1. Budget and Cap

We agree that the total available budget should be increased and the x3 suggested by Francom sounds reasonable. Removing the cap-per-grant also makes sense.

  1. Awareness of the Hop Grants Program

The grants program should be promoted more by the grants committee members with support from other delegates and the Hop Foundation.

Next Steps

To keep things moving forward, we should move this to a Snapshot vote with a general proposal, and we can figure out the exact details (as discussed in the workshop and community call and as outlined above) before the proposal moves to an on-chain vote. That would help us to both move fast and also see that there is a soft consensus that the grants committee renewal is something the DAO wants.

Weā€™d love to participate in another workshop with other interested parties (maybe @francom can facilitate) to nail down the details to finalize the proposal.

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