[RFC] Head of DAO Governance and Operations Role

Confirming I also voted “yes” for this proposal with franco in mind.

Voted “For” this proposal. Reason: [RFC] Head of DAO Governance and Operations Role - #2 by takeabreath

Voting to allow Francom to continue his role as the head of DAO governance and operations. I agree there is value to this role based on work done so far, and I think Francom has done a great job in this role (and would vote for him even if they were not just the only person running!)

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I just voted “Re-elect Francom” on “Head of DAO Ops Term Renewal or Termination”. Appreciate your contributions thus far @francom and the value you it brings to the DAO.

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The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @krst and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

We’re voting FOR re-electing Francom as the Head of DAO Ops.

During the first term, Francom did a great job executing the role’s mandate as outlined in the original proposal. Although there wasn’t any report to summarize the actions and the ‘outcomes’ of the Head of DAO Ops, we believe we shouldn’t let that lack of bureaucracy bottleneck the process. We’ve been actively engaged in the DAO and are already aware of Francom’s contributions to the role. Perhaps publishing a summary of the things facilitated could be helpful for the following term and maybe worth including in the reelection ‘terms.’

We’d like to see more communication between the Head of DAO Ops and delegates during this next term and more facilitation of proactive actions wherever needed and wherever possible. One such example from last term was facilitating the discussion for creating a Hop Grants Program, which is now live.