[RFC] Claim Arbitrum airdrop, send to community multisig, and delegate

The new multisig is necessary because the airdrop is claimable by an alias of the timelock and I donā€™t believe we have a community multisig like we do on Optimism. I could be wrong about this though.

It definitely could make sense to have everything if one spot as well, but thereā€™s a few considerations.

  • Like you mentioned, we already have a distinction between community multisig signers and ambassadors for Optimism. I think makes sense given the different nature of responsibility (signers being more custodial and ambassadors being more active).

  • The ambassadors didnā€™t sign up to do this work, so it could be unfair to add additional responsibilities at this point. The multisig signers, by contrast, did sign up for this and given new elections are happening soon it gives signers the opportunity to choose whether or not this additional workload is worth it to them. The argument could also be made for raising the amount of compensation.

  • Concentrating all the funds and delegations would be centralizing. It would make a handful of people even more powerful, create less room for new people to get involved, and reduce a check on the ambassadors (whereby the community multisig could theoretically delegate to a different address if the ambassador wallet is ever compromised).

I see the benefit in streamlining and reducing the overhead of managing a number of different accounts, but I think the cost is worth it in the interest of decentralization and separation of concerns. I also think references like the post you mentioned can help address some of the challenges associated with managing the different addresses.

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