April 2024 - October 2024 HIP 4 Delegate Compensation Reporting

Hey Hop DAO,

It’s time to create a new Delegate Compensation Reporting Thread for this period (March 28, 2024 – October 2, 2024). The last delegate compensation reporting period ended March 27, 2024, therefore anything from then up until October 2, 2024 falls within this reporting period.

To make matters easier for delegates who are eligible for incentives, the Head of DAO Operations will verify the voting and communication requirements for each delegate but each delegate is expected to share in this thread their voting and communication ratio, their lowest HOP delegated during the period, and finally their incentive rewards amount for the period based on the calculation. Please use the calculation from the recent snapshot vote to renew the delegate incentivization program . Please share your communication publicly in each proposal’s governance forum thread or create your own voting and communication thread for the Head of DAO Operations to verify. Please include your Ethereum address as well.

Delegates can utilize this Dune Querry 12 5 to find the lowest level of Hop within the time period.

Delegates can also use this graph 9 5 to determine their compensation by using their lowest Hop for the specified period.

Delegates can go ahead and report below in this thread.

Below are the snapshot votes and Tally votes since the last reporting period.

Snapshot Votes Since Last Delegate Reporting Thread

  • [HIP – 47] Hop Grants Program Renewal and Redesign
  • [HIP – 48] Hop Grants Committee Election (2nd Cohort)
  • [HIP – 49] Hop DAO Multisig Signers Election (Cohort #3)

Tally Votes Since Last Delegate Reporting Thread

  • [HIP-39] Community Multisig Refill (6)

For example;
Voting: 4/4
Communication: 3/3 (Voting rational isn’t needed for the Community Multisig Refill)

lowest Hop during period: x
incentive rewards during this period: x

[HIP – 47] Hop Grants Program Renewal and Redesign [HIP – 48] Hop Grants Committee Election (2nd Cohort) [HIP – 49] Hop DAO Multisig Signers Election (Cohort #3) [HIP-39] Community Multisig Refill (6)
Snapshot Snapshot Snapshot Tally 4
Delegate Voted Voted Voted Voted Total % vote/coms
Lefteris yes yes no yes 3 75%
Bob-Rossi yes no yes yes 3 75%
thegreg.eth yes no yes yes 3 75%
Olimpio yes yes yes yes 4 100%
fourpoops no yes yes yes 3 75%
dybsy no no no no 0 0%
Mastermojo (SNX) no no no no 0 0%
francom.eth yes yes yes yes 4 100%
L2beat yes yes yes yes 4 100%
sinkas no no no no 0 0%
Alphainsiders yes yes no no 2 50%
she256.eth no no no no 0 0%
mariaa.eth no yes yes no 2 50%
horatius.eth yes no no no 1 25%
cipth.eth yes no no no 1 25%
anguschiu.eth no yes no no 1 25%
smartinfrastructure.eth yes yes yes no 3 75%
mihal.eth no no no no 0 0%
takeabreath/respired.eth yes yes yes yes 4 100%
Communication Communication Communication Communication 3
Lefteris yes no no not needed 1 33%
Bob-Rossi yes no no not needed 1 33%
thegreg.eth yes no yes not needed 2 67%
Olimpio no yes no not needed 1 33%
fourpoops yes no yes not needed 2 67%
dybsy no no no not needed 0 0%
Mastermojo (SNX) no no no not needed 0 0%
francom.eth no no no not needed 0 0%
L2beat yes yes yes not needed 3 100%
takeabreath yes no yes not needed 2 67%
anguschiu.eth yes no no not needed 1 33%
she256.eth no no no not needed 0 0%
sisyhpos no no no not needed 0 0%

This table above shows the voting and communication metrics for Hop DAO’s top delegates. While the voting periods have ended for each proposal there is still time to share communication regarding voting rational so please do so soon to be eligible for the delegate incentive rewards this cycle. @fourpoops @olimpio @Bob-Rossi @thegreg.eth @lefterisjp and any other eligible delegates that I might have missed. Please double check my voting and communication metrics for any errors.

Here was my communication for the Grants Committee Election, seems like it was missed: Grants Committee Election Nomination Thread - #12 by fourpoops

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Hi @francom

  • I’ve posted my rationale for the multisig vote here so it is on record - Hop DAO Mult-Sig Nominations - #22 by Bob-Rossi
  • For the grants committee, since I was running and there was no “abstain” option I opted not to vote in order to not affect results. I commented here at the time - Grants Committee Election Nomination Thread - #11 by Bob-Rossi. That felt like the best option given the situation at the time, although i guess thinking back I could have voted 25% for all 4… Short of it is - is this satisfactory for getting the voting / communication rationale? Or do we have a preference how to handle going forward?
  • Edit: I see now where you said to vote equally… I missed that. Sorry! Let me know how you want to handle that score wise

I’ll edit shortly my participant and calcs

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Hey @francom thanks for taking the time to create this post.

I indeed missed a vote, but I still have not understood the point behind the bureaucratic need to communicate if there is nothing really important to say.

I already stated my disagreement with this approach the last time this came up. At this point I guess it’s just not a good fit for my time.

I will not be continuing to actively participate in the governance here and will ask for anyone delegating to me to re-delegate elsewhere so the DAO doesn’t have idle voting tokens sitting on me.

Thank you all for your effort and wish best luck to the Hop DAO going forward.

Hello @francom; thanks for the ping. Missing comments:

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